Meet our Sponsors

Crous de Poitiers Crous de Poitiers
The mission of the Crous is to improve the living and working conditions of students to allow the greatest number of students to access higher education and succeed in their studies. They offer services to students in 7 main areas: scholarships, social aid, housing, university restaurants, cultural activities, reception of international students and jobs.
The UFR HAA (University Toulouse 2 Jean Jaurès) includes four departments (“Anthropology”; “Documentation, Archives, Media Library and Publishing”; “History”; “History of art and archeology”), is associated to 5 research teams (FRAMESPA; LLA CREATIS; LISST-CAS; PLH-CRATA-ERASME; TRACES) and one doctoral school (TESC). The main activities of UFR HAA are academic teaching, Research, Information and orientation of the students.
Transmitting Science Transmitting Science
Transmitting Science organises courses and peer-to-peer events that support the exchange of scientific skills, methods, and advances in the fields of life and earth sciences.
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